Mom and Dad are in Houston and have already made plans in case they need to get out of dodge. I'll keep you posted!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I Don't Get It
Mom and Dad are in Houston and have already made plans in case they need to get out of dodge. I'll keep you posted!
Posted by Sheri at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dear DM.
This is why I can't get anything done at work. Please understand. Thanks.
Is anyone surprised this girl was a cheerleader?
Posted by Sheri at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Poor Blog
This weekend was pretty uneventful. Racing, racing, and time at K.'s house, cooling off her pool. The weather is still gorgeous, but I've been reminded lately that it is August in the South. Yuck. They're finally calling for some rain, which might help the river situation!
Poor Britney. The kids had her down in the creek throwing rocks, and she was digging for them. She ripped almost all her front claws down to the quick! They were bleeding, and I felt so bad for her! Baby girl laid down and licked at her paws while whining under her breath. B's oldest did a great job though of getting the mop and cleaning my floor right up though. I'm more and more impressed with how well behaved they are. Still boys, but good kids!
Let's end on a funny note. I was headed up to the track on Friday, and reached for my glove box. I keep Q-tips in there. Don't ask. OK, so ask. You never know when you might need one! Mascara under the eye, itchy ear, or dusty air vent! Anyway, I opened the compartment, and I saw a flash of brown fur move! I also noticed that I no longer have Q-tips, rather, a bunch of sticks and a nest of cotton!!! And yes. It's still in there. It's not that I'm afraid of mice. I happen to think they are kind of cute. However, I'm not so wild about being startled by one. I remember when I was a kid, the houses on my block surrounded a field. What comes with fields? Field mice! Anyway, our babysitter was going to make us some Mac & Cheese, and opened a drawer to get a spoon. The mouse jumped out, ran up her arm, jumped off her shoulder, and took off. I don't think she ever baby sat for us again!!! Have you ever been startled by a critter?
Posted by Sheri at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Posted by Sheri at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday Randomness
Ever have one of those "found something lost" moments? Tonight I was going through an old file folder, and found a letter my brother wrote me the September before he died, begging me to forgive Sarah. Whoa. "I miss you, love your big little brother." How do you preserve pencil written on paper? It's already started to fade, and I really want to save it!! Any tips?
Short, sweet, random. I'm going to go listen to some more GAH!!!
Posted by Sheri at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Not her finest moment . . .
On another note, thank you to everyone who's been asking about Dad. They sent him home yesterday with an, "Eh, well, we don't really know WHAT happened." It's still scary, and I really hope he follows up to find out what is going on! I do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers!
This week is turning out to be a pretty ordinary week. That's ok, those are nice to have, too!! Oh, but we did pick up our tickets for the "World of Outlaws" race in October. That should be a great event . . . and something new to see! Heck, any time spent with LCalmostP is guaranteed to be good times.
Posted by Sheri at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dental Thoughts
This weekend was good, as far as weekends go. I'd give it about a 6.5, since there wasn't anything WAY out of the norm, and there were no tragedies.
Friday night we rained out of the track. Well, now what? B. was hunting, so I got in touch with #1G, and we went to see Batman: The Dark Knight at the cheapie theater in BV. What did I think? Well, I liked the movie. I did NOT like the "sound" that came up every time the Joker did. I hated Batman's voice. It was a decent movie, but I didn't see the "wow" factor that everyone else did. Joker was creepie, but not overly so. I know I'm in the minority here, so don't bash me, but it's JMO. Came home just in time to see Mr. Phelps win by 1/100th of a second. Whoa. Yeah. THAT's racing! Good schtuff right there.
Saturday was spent cleaning, being a little lazy, and then heading up to the dirt track. I woke up with my knee aching. Not sure what I did, but even today, it hurts! I've been doing the heat/ice thing, and it is helping.
Sunday, well, I cooked! Apple Dumplings, Oatmeal Cake, and Zucchini bread. Took 2 out of 3 to A. house for the cookout they were having for her young'un. See, he's headed east, way East, to have sandburgers. Yes, he's being deployed for 400 days. YUCK. I can't even imagine being in her shoes. It was nice to see everyone there for the support of him, and I really liked what the woman said when she prayed, "Let the time pass by quickly for us, safely for him, so that we may again join each other just as we are tonight." I agree - I'm ready for the next cookout! Still . . . Pray for Annette and Sidney, k?
And, while you're doing the prayer thing. Yesterday, I got a call. "Hey, Kiddo. . . . . . . . . silence." Then Mom picked up. "We're taking your dad to the ER, something with his heart." See, when Dad called to tell me about Brad, he did the same thing, so I instantly knew something was wrong. I don't like that. Anyway, they kept him overnight, and he's going home today. No heart attack, but still, there is something going on that's not quite right. Scary stuff, people.
Oh, and since this is titled "Dental Thoughts" as I was laying there last night I was trying to remember what nails on a chalkboard sounds like, because it has GOT to be better than that sound of the dental chick scratching away on my teeth! Ugh. I hate that sound!! Also, I'm still trying to figure out why they talk to you while you have a mouthful of gadgets. I mean, really, don't they cover that in basic training?
Tonight is another quiet night for me . . . not on call, and no adventures planned. Well, other than folding clothes. Yeah, that's got to happen. Oh, and maybe clean a little. Depends on the knee. My floor has GOT to have some attention!
What about you? Anything exciting going on this week for you?
Posted by Sheri at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dinner for One

Again, difficult. Don't even have to drain them . . . just dump the Ro-Tel into the cubed up cheese.
Melt in in the microwave. I usually do a minute at a time, then stir.

See? Still awfully lumpy!
1 minute later, still not s m o o t h. Don't worry, the guy never was very smooth, either!
1 minute later, and a good whisking, smooth, baby, smooth!

Posted by Sheri at 11:51 AM 2 comments
Labels: Food Stuff
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Trees and Monkeys

See the monkey in there? No? Well, let me zoom in a bit!

That's the oldest monkey, and he scrambled right up in there! It was dusky when I took this picture, but isn't it a great improvement? Of course, not so easy for monkeys to get in there, but . . . .

I love it! And, this one? Had branches all way down low that made it all look a mess and very difficult to mow around.

That corner of the porch there used to have an out of control cedar tree that would drop sliver/pricky things that would be awful to try to dig out of my feet, as well as poor Britney's paws. So, it had to go! I wish I had before pictures to put with this, but . . . . see? Doesn't it look nice and clean? Ahhh, happiness.

Posted by Sheri at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Labels: House stuff, Monkeys, Yard
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Posted by Sheri at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Golden Sleep
This week is c r a z y at work. My boss is out with a sick kid, and my counterpart is on vacation. So that leaves me. Just me. And, last night B. said that the kids wanted to know if they could eat at my house tonight. Uh, sure? So, on top of being slammed at work, at some point I have to get by Wally World and pick up kid appropriate dinner! Ugh. The good side is, I love having them there, and they wear my puppy out!
This past weekend was good, as far as weekends go. Drag Strip on Friday night, dirt track on Saturday. And, B. parked his truck where I could sit on the back and actually SEE all of the race! A whole lot more fun than just turn 2! I worked late last night, and just enjoyed the evening with my puppy. It's been absolutely gorgeous weather lately, 80's and breezy during the day, high 50's/low 60's at night . . . which is perfect sleeping weather! I can't believe it's August and I'm loving it! I'm on call tonight, so shhhh . . . hopefully it'll be another good night of snoozing!
Posted by Sheri at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tues. night we had a celebration evening at work. What is a celebration night? Well, basically, it's where we get together, have yummy food, meet people who are usually just names and voices on the phone, and celebrate our various successes. This one was on the other side of the mountain, and we all rode over with the big boss. Dinner was spectacular, steak and shrimp, but on the ride back? This is Stacey, stone cold sober. Yes, really.
See, how could anyone NOT have a good time with this girl around? I tell you . . . she sure spices things up! On the way over, she asked if the steaks would be grilled . . . or cooked. Uh, er . . . . Anyway, we got home after 830, and those of you who know me know that is WAY too late to be doing anything.
Wed. night I went over to K's house to feed the kitties, and met B. and the boys there for some pizza and swimming. I'm not quite sure WHO had the better time, but it was another "after 9" gettin' home night for me!
Last night, the oldest rug rat called. "We're coming for dinner at your house." Oh really? Did ya think to see if I was going to BE there? After a fantastic day in sales, I was working late. But, I'm game . . . I love having them over! Part way home, G. text'ed me, and he ended up with an invite for dinner. So, whip back to town to pick up more supplies, and then back home. Oh, but I did have to stop and put more air in my tire. Daggone thing, you'd think by now I would have found a tire store! Got home, walked the dog, (which she desperately needed) then got home to find everyone here. I did Stroganoff and steamed broccoli for dinner. The kids were convinced they didn't like broccoli, but I told them they had to eat at least 3 bites. And you know what? They liked the broccoli! They really liked the stroganoff though. Dessert was root beer floats, because out of the 4 boy-people in my kitchen, none of them had ever had a root beer float! The worst part? None of them were really blown away! What the heck?!?! Who doesn't like root beer floats?? Wow. Poor kids! Oh well. Today will be another busy day, and then tonight is back to the grind at the Drag Strip. Yay . . . and stuff. Do you have any big plans this weekend?
Posted by Sheri at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
25 Things
1. My puppy snuggling with me. I love cuddle time!
2. River time, every day with the mutt. So relaxing, and reminds me to appreciate the simple things in life.
3. Cooking. I'm not so much on the clean up part, but I love preparing food!
4. Music. Anything that's happy, upbeat, that I can sing along to, I love!
5. Springtime. Seeing all the new green, and flowers poking through, reminds me that life is spectacular.
6. Flipside of that, Fall. I love seeing the leaves change, and the air turn crisp and refreshing.
7. Water. Especially when I can be in it. I feel so free, and being in it, near it, around it, resets my soul.
8. Fresh baked bread. Even better with fresh applesauce.
9. Hugs from my dad. And my mom. Way too infrequent for my tastes, and now when I do get them, I immediately cry! It's usually because one of us is coming or going.
10. Calls from friends that I haven't talked to in forever. Even ones that I've talked to recently. The kind that are, "Hi, just thinking about you".
11. This one is very new, but seeing Msh with her baby girl. She's an amazing woman who has been through so much and is still an inspiration to me.
12. Getting L. Love. Seeing that little girl come flying at me, warms my heart.
13. Seeing my house clean, yard clean, everything organized. And my flowers blooming!
14. Getting flowers for no reason.
15. Helping someone. The only thing that keeps me on the rescue squad, is knowing that someday, I might make a difference.
16. Yummy smelling candles. Esp. the Tahitian flower one from Yankee Candle.
17. Laying in my hammock on a gorgeous day, reading a great book
18. Playing with kids. They are always discovering something new, and reminding me how magical the world can be.
19. Traveling. I love to see new places, and new things. The tiny taste of Africa I got wasn't nearly enough!
20. Hearing family stories from "back when". Grandpa used to tell the best indian stories!
21. Having my hair behave and look just right. Superficial, I know, but when the hair is good, the day is good!
22. Finding that perfect pair of shoes. Right price, right fit, right, right, right. Again, superficial, but I love when it happens!
23. Along with the perfect pair of shoes, the perfect jeans. Right Fit from LB has hit it dead on. Super comfy, and I get to claim I wear a size 2!
24. Having a successful day at work. I love my job, and it's even better when I have a good day!
25. Comments! I love comments, and am no where near a "power blogger", but I love the ones I get anyway. So, if you decide to play along, let me know so I can come read!
ETA: Just got notice that they are moving some of the missionaries where Mom and Dad are serving. Moving them to where M&D ARE, but still . . . keep them in your thoughts, ok? Silly Tropical Storms! You just never know what could happen!
Posted by Sheri at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Shopping . . . also known as cruel and unusual
After a quick stop at Mickey D's to get his boys a snack, we headed back to my house. I made taco salad (yummy!) for dinner, and tried to convince them that avocado's are GOOD. Yeah, that didn't happen either. But, they did a good job of wearing themselves and Britney out, and I've learned that doing dinner for more than one wreck havoc with me being in bed with the chickens! You know what though? It was so worth it! Lots more fun to have company around . . . .
Oh, and next time I'll make the taco salad, I'll make sure I get photos and a recipe up!
Posted by Sheri at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
What I did
Cleaned my car, inside and out.
Did laundry. Lots of laundry.
Weeded flower beds.
Walked my dog.
Washed my dog.
Watched racing.
Took a luxurious, 2 hour nap with my puppy in my lap. Neither of us moved!
Announced at the Truck Pull.
The what? The Interstate Truck and Tractor Pull. What an adventure. And a fun one, at that! Initially, I was nervous as anything. I mean, all these people? But then I realized, are they really going to be listening? Turns out, yes. I learned that Swoope, VA, is actually pronounces Swoap. Like, soap with a "w" in it. And, if the front of the truck has F O R D on it, it is NOT a Chevy, contrary to what the registration form says. Dude needs better friends! But, at no point in my life, would I have thought the following words would have come out of my mouth. Mama would be so proud! (Lots of sarcasm in that!) "And now, Redneck Hooker coming at you and looking good." Yup. I said it. On a PA system so I got to hear myself say it. It's a new low of Redneck-dom. Still, I had a couple of people tell me I did good, so I guess it wasn't a complete disaster, and I had fun doing it! Kids again came to the house and played with Britney. I think B. is right: She's finally met her match in energy levels! How about you? Did you do anything fun this weekend? What kind of last hurrahs do you have planned before summer ends?
Posted by Sheri at 4:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Posted by Sheri at 12:21 PM 0 comments