How the HECK did it end up being Wednesday already? I'm confused. On one hand, time seems to be d r a g g i n g by, because there are a couple of big things I'm looking forward to. On the other hand, how is it suddenly Wednesday?
I've been wanting to share some of my adventures from last week, and just didn't have time to do them justice. Well, now I'm going to make the time!
An old friend came up from NC last weekend. This is a person that I knew waaayyy back when I was 17, and have drifted in and out of contact with since. The last time I saw him was the day of my brother's funeral. Strange, I can't remember much past the opening music, but I do remember how I felt when I realized that he was there. Completely overwhelmed. I still remember what he said when I told him I couldn't believe he was there. "Baby girl, where else would I be?" Anyway. I digress.
He found me on Facebook, and long story short, ended up here last weekend. So, a full decade since I last saw him. And you know what? He's like a version 2.0. All the stuff you loved the first time around, just improved. It was awesome. Pictures? I thought you would never ask!
Monday, I took him to the Bridge. Come on, the county is named for the place, so of course we had to go visit. It's unique to us, so I wanted to show it off. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I loved the stroll up to the waterfall. Minus the giant bug trying to munch on my neck, it was . . . memorable.

He kept bragging about what a fabulous cook he was, so I figured it was time to have some proof. After a decidedly domestic trip to K-Roger's, we came home and I was banished from my own kitchen. Believe me, it was SO worth it. See?

Grilled chicken with homemade Tzatziki sauce, Greek salad, Cous-cous, and grape leaves. Slurp. There wasn't any left to be shared with Britney!
Here in my fabulous county, we have an interesting artist. He does fiberglass creations for zoo's, etc. Spare creations have a way of finding their way into the public. Us county-ites are rather used to is. Superman on top of the courthouse? Mr. Cline's been at it again. Hippopotamus in that yard? No big deal. One of my favorite "creations" is Foamhenge, about 10 minutes from my house. I mean, seriously? It's awesome - So, of course we had to stop in and take a look. Here's me, at Foamhenge . . .
After visiting Foamhenge, we were off to catch up with Michelle, Henry and the little girl. My friend had wanted to introduce me to the magic that is sushi. I really wanted to like it, since it was obvious he was crazy about the stuff, and to myself, I vowed to at least try everything that was put in front of me. We started easy, with seaweed salad, and graduated to spicy tuna (yumm!), and my personal favorite, the "Best Friend". I think that was spicy tuna with shrimp tempura. I think. I tried the baby octopus (again, yum, if you can get past the fact that it's, well, baby octopus). Then, came this:
Whoa. Yeah, raw. And you know what? Amazingly delicious! I loved it. I had been determined to *like* the sushi, even if I didn't, and I really did. A lot. But, since I've done crazier things to impress boys, when I learned that he hadn't even tried the next dish, and since my dear, sweet, best friend's husband was pushing for us to try, I had to give it a go.
Yeah. That's a raw egg. Quail, to be exact, served on roe, wrapped with seaweed. And roe, for you non-sushi people? Fish eggs. I only ate/choked down one, and the taste was actually good. Texture, not so much. But you know what? I went from beginner to advanced in one seating, and I can honestly say, been there, done that, and I don't have to do it again!
As far as visits go, it was awesome. And, I can't wait for the next one . . . . catch up was fantastic!!!