Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend and Stacey, Part Deux

Well now. That was a weekend. One that was enjoyable, emotionally draining, and I'm glad it's over. I did have my company over, and while I loved visiting, it was, like I said, emotionally draining. A blog is definitely not the place for it - so I'll just leave it at that. However, I did get to see my friends' babies, and they are adorable. I love when babies get to the age that they start to interact. C. brought her grand baby over, and she has started to walk! Scary. She'll be into everything!!! We had EMT competition this weekend, and while we placed 3rd, I still feel like we could have done better, should have done better, and some of the stuff we missed, I'm directly responsible for. Still, it means opportunity for improvement, and we'll just get better!

After watching this video, and have a secret once-crush of a secret boy band, I'm sure you'll recognize this certain dance. Any takers? And, is there any question that Stacey was once a cheerleader? Ya gotta love her spunk!

Yesterday, while I was sitting on the porch, Britney was checking the yard. She must have found some wonderful treasure, 'cause she was sure going for it! Silly dog. She's not normally a digger, so it was fun to watch, even if she did end up with a dirty nose.

This week will be pretty quiet, until racing this weekend. I don't have any meetings (that I'm aware of!), which is a very pleasant change. What about you? Are you dressing up for Halloween? Your kids? What are they going as? And, did you recognize that dance above?


Lorie said...

NKOTB all the way!!

Susan said...

Yes, definitely NKOTB, I was also a fan. My girls are going as an angel and a vampire. I am not dressing up as anything. I know how emotionally draining being friends with an ex can be...probably why I am not friends with any anymore!