Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Black, White, and Red All Over

I couldn't help but leave this post in place for Wordful Wednesday's. It was just such a GREAT adventure, I wanted to share with my bloggy friends!

So, tonight I take my dog for our usual walk. We head down by the cell tower, since it's so cold, I'm just going to let her run for a bit. She's off running and playing, when suddenly, I notice a small creature waddling by me. All it took was a hint of white, and I was high tailing it. Unfortunately, dear sweet Britney decided to investigate, and got slammed by Mr. Pepe le PEW. Gross. Disgusting. The smell is NOTHING like what you smell in the air. It's a burned rubber/garlic/burned onion, and it is AWFUL. And, I have to let her RIDE back to my house in my car. YUCK. Gross. Ugh. I stopped by GE and picked up several large cans of tomato juice. And vinegar. I got back to the house, and ran Britney into the bathroom. I started dumping cans of tomato juice on her, and it occurred to me, "It looks like a blood bath in here! This would make GREAT blog material!" and I just the door to the shower, and went in search of my camera. Heeeerrreee's where it turns into a "blogg-able" moment . . . Britney, very unhappy about the skunk scent in her eyes, tries to come find me. She wriggles out of the shower, and out of the bathroom, and INTO the bedroom. Where she promptly shakes all over my light grey carpet. See?

CSI, come take a look. Doesn't it look like a horrible murder scene??? I drag her back into the bathroom, where she takes off through the other door, and shakes all over the kitchen!!! I finally got her back into the bathroom, where I was able to bathe her in the tomato juice, then a good scrubbing with puppy shampoo.

I think I have all the skunk smell off of her, and I've now showered, and I'm on load 2 of about 4 loads worth of blankets and towels used in cleaning up. I also got the bathroom cleaned. See where I started?

Tomato Juice cans, vinegar, and her collar soaking in a vinegar/water solution. UGH. SO ABSOLUTELY BLOGGABLY DISGUSTING! I called Cindy, and thankfully, she brought over some coffee grounds (she's the only one I know who would have coffee grounds at 9p!), so I can roast them. I've heard it will help get rid of odors. Between that, and the 30 candles, something's gotta help, right? Right????

ETA - Did you know that Tomato Juice does NOT work? The puppy shampoo did more good! What does work, however, is a recipe of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, and a few drops of dish soap. The candles and Febreeze helped with the house, but so far, nothing has helped with the car odor!!! I have pie pans of baking soda set out . . . any other suggestions?!?!?


Tiana said...

Oh my that is spectacular!

Honey Mommy said...

That is awful! And probably stinky!

It does look an awful lot like a murder scene. Hope you got it out of your carpet!

claudia said...

It sure did look like a blood bath in there. I don't envy you the clean up at all. Oh my!

Melissa Lee said...

Are you really sending it to your momma???

Girl, you just made my night!

Love to you my sweet friend,
Melissa at Stretch Marks

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Looks messy and stinky and a great big mess! Good luck! A magical WW to you!

Kathleen W. said...

When I saw that first photo, I did think it looked like a murder scene! Oh, I felt so bad for you, especially with that carpet. But I'm glad you got most of the smell out.

Lorina said...

Oh My.. seriously. How awful. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Mom said...

Poor puppy, poor you. Hope the smell fades soon.

Lorie said...

HAVE MERCY! I have no idea how to help with the smell...I wish I did.

Svr said...

OM Goodness!!! What a mess! I'm soo sorry and just b4 thanksgiving. I have no idea what else to use, sorry!

Brandy said...

WOW! If you hadn't told us what had happened I would have believed you murdered someone ... lol.

I have no idea what would get a skunk smell out but I do know that perfume wont work! My FIL tried it once it was awful.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the mess. And you are so funny -and truly a blogger!

Claremont First Ward said...

I am so glad you left this up. Those photos DO look like a crime scene.

You have such a great outlook. I think I would have sat down and cried for about 5 hours straight.....but look at just took care of the business at hand. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Michelle said...

We have had skunking experience. Buy the skunk neutralizer from the pet store. It works. However next time you give him a bath you will smell skunk!!!

Susie said...

That is bloggable!! Yucko!:-)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i was flipping out at the first pic...i thought it was blood...wasn't sure if i should even go further since i just ate. but that is soooo funny!

Jaysi said...

That is hysterically funny!! I mean for me anyway. I bet that was not so funny when it happened. Good luck with the smell in your car!

Jenni said...

Oh man....what a MESS! I wish I had some ideas for you! BUT I have to appreciate your run for the camera to blog it...kudos!

Kimmer said...

What a Mess!!! I think I would lose it! But she IS a good girl right?!