Thursday, November 6, 2008

More from the Weekend

So, the trip back from North Carolina was exquisite. There are times that living in the Blue Ridge Mountains, ain't so bad!
Bruce kept getting frustrated that I was reading so much, but between "New Moon" (if you're not reading Twilight, ugh, you don't know WHAT you are missing!) I did manage to see, and appreciate, the scenery!
We wanted to get back, because Ms. Boss Lady had put together a family afternoon. We had a different means of transportation, and headed up the mountain. See? Recognize her? That would be Laurie, from my previous post.
It was hard to get pictures while bumping and moving around, but I managed to get a few of the ride up. Absolutely breathtaking. I love the fall!!

We would stop occasionally, to allow someone to ease through a rocky spot, or just to stretch a bit. Somehow, they managed to be at the prettiest spots!
Eventually, we got to the "high point", which was the lookout tower on House Mountain. Talk about a view . . . worth every second of the trip up there!
Can you believe I went all the way to North Carolina when a view like this was in my own county??? I'm so blessed to be here!
I think LR's T-shirt sums it up the best:
Plus, it's hard to find fault with a kid playin' in the dirt!!!

Other than the view, the best part was getting to spend time with friends that I consider my family away from family. Not only am I blessed to live in amazing countryside like this, the people that I get to consider my friends are SPECTACULAR! That's Ms. Boss Lady's mom on the left, Laurie in the middle, and me on the right. Talk about a weekend to remember.

We went back to the cabin, had take out from one of my favorite establishments (that would be Ms. Boss Lady's Catering!), and then roasted marshmallows. One weekend truly for the books.