It's 115, as in am, as I write this. I've mentioned that I'm glad to be getting back into running calls - even those that come in just after I've drifted off to sleep. I've even gotten used to the fact that I get the, "I stubbed my toe, take me to the ER" calls. But daggone it, I'm frustrated! Tonight, we actually had something that had us scratching our heads, and it's, "Oh, I'll go. You can take the (rescue) truck back to the building." Ok, yay, that I get to come back and get back into bed, but grrr, something interesting, and I'm not along for the ride. Sigh.
Just fits the rest of the day, and my mood.
Just fits the rest of the day, and my mood.
On the positive side? Karey loves me. Do you know how I know this? She brought spinach dip to the track. Mmm, yummy. That's a happy note to crawl back into bed on. Night!
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